Educators in


Est. 2014 | Austin, Tx

Fighting racism in education. Fighting racism with education.

anti-racist educators through activism, advocacy & outreach

Educators are uniquely situated to address racism through institutional change and by supporting the self-advocacy of students, families, and communities. We are committed to practicing ongoing reflection about our own racial identities and engaging in dialogue about the systemic racism in our schools and communities.


history of eis

Educators in Solidarity formed in 2014 after the murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO. Surrounding his murder, there was a national call out for teachers to build curriculum and to talk about police brutality in schools. As time went on, EIS has evolved with a growing understanding of the specific needs of the Austin community as well as in partnering with other organizations.


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Upcoming Events

Save the Date
Educators in Solidarity's Spring 2024 Virtual UnConference

Igniting Change: (Re)-Building Our Collective Capacity as Anti-Racist Educators.  

March 2nd, 2024

10:00- 2:00 PM on Zoom

Our theme for this UnConference, Igniting Change: (Re)-Building Our Collective Capacity as Anti-Racist Educators.  In a state where public schools are under attack, the need for inclusive and equitable education is more vital than ever. Our theme, “Igniting Change: (Re)-Building our Collective Capacity as Anti-Racist Educators,” centers our core belief that educators have the collective power to dismantle racist systems and spark transformative changes in our schools that benefit all students, especially those who have been marginalized.